Saturday 12 December 2015

more to come

Appeal court, coroners, Health and disability Commissioner,Ombudsmans Office, CYFS and Judicial misconduct authority obstructive authorities and closing ranks to come yet. I have had a change of mind on posting documents on CYFS and the Judicial misconduct authority; as those issues are not related to Melissa's hospital treatment neglect and how worthless she was regarded, Doctors saving face and taxpayers dollars and the scapegoating of myself so they would not be held accountable. A CYFS social worker and an Open Home Foundation social worker got together to be very nasty making up allegations and saying other children had said it. A lot of this they got from what Dr K crown specialist pediatrician, told them, that was so extreme and out there that the police did nothing with it, but the two social workers had a field day with it, saying other children had said things supporting what Dr K said. Autopsy proved him very wrong and CYFS have been sweeping it under the mat since. Despite my having documents that clearly show where they got their "allegations" from and that CYFS had never interviewed the children, they ruled the social workers were perfect. Of course, as they do. The Judicial Misconduct Authority was in relation to how the trial judge broke the law on a couple of occasions to stack things against me and accepting what Dr K had to have it be for sentencing AGAINST the facts, and how biased he ran the trial. They focused only on what he did right to rule he was perfect (he certainly is intelligent with his sly deceit). As they do. And as anyone non-independent rules of their own workers.

Obstructive authority 4, ADHB

They,like the BOP health board originally told me I was entitled to Melissa's notes, but then changed their mind when they realised who I was. The cheek of them to say they were protecting the deceased privacy, when they didn't give the slightest care about preserving her life.

Obstruction authority 3, BOP health board

After initially telling me I was fully entitled to Melissa's notes as her caregiver, they then changed their mind when they realised I was the scapegoat.

Obstruction authority 2, Medical Council

No reply at all!

Obstruction authority 1, Crown Law Office

Melissa's parents once said they would like to know the truth about what happened to Melissa. Perhaps they should take over pushing for a coroners inquest then. That is if they really want to know. I am awaiting the final reply. It will be all excuses and beating around the bush also. I shall post it when it arrives.
"In the midst of serious injuries and 54 people dying in the UK"...........(young women with straight long light brown hair, white top/dress, only see top half, she is sitting, very black left eye. It wasn't her that said this, it was a he, she is featured).