Thursday 2 June 2016

obstructive authority 6 Coroners Office


Despite the coroner telling me in his letter of 18th September 2014 that the Soliciter General must decide if a coroners inquest is to be continued; the law allows coroners to decide this themselves, as I knew the whole time.  The Crown Law Office have been saying the past three years that they will not have an inquest as there is no new evidence, and the Coroners have been saying it's not for them to decide.  There is easily new evidence due to the perjury at my trial of the three Crown experts who initially all supported it was a low level fall, but then changed their minds when I was enquiring as to doctors conduct in medical neglect manslaughter and the murder by morhpine overdose of Melissa.  Dr K himself, the chief Crown 'expert' who contributed most to getting me convicted and has the most face to save in this case, himself, has published very contrary research to what he said at trial, although six years into that 10 year review at the time of trial.
     Anyway, the Coroner has decided to have a coroners inquest for Moko, a child brutally tortured to death recently, despite the courts having got people convicted.  I have been told by the coroners Office and Crown Law Office repeatedly the past three years, that the Coroner had to go by the "facts" of my case (although they refuse to tell me by what "facts" they went by) as it was against the public interest to pay for "another" hearing that had already been the means by which the truth should have been aired.
     That is not the only lie told to me by the Crown Law Office and Coroners Office.  More to come in obstruction authority Crown Law Office.  Of course the difference in Mokos case and Melissa's, is that I am not responsible for Melissa's death.  I have just been scapegoated for it.  Doctors will never be held to account in this country.  They can break the law as they please.  Moko didn't survive long enough for the doctors to refuse him treatment then euthanase him.
     The correspondance e-mail of November 5th 2014 outlines the laws the Crown Law Office and Coroners Office are breaking, by not having a coroners inquest for Melissa.  They have an incorrect date of death and no cause on the death certificate and yet teh Crown Law Office and coroners keep parroting over and over again that they have had a coroners inquest, as their excuse to not "have another".  They have not had one.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Prep for murder 7

It didn't matter how Melissa was improving and progressing.  She was very stable by hospital notes and breathing 1:1 with the machine at the stage they decided to pull the plug followed by a morphine overdose, when she refused to die and great pressure was put on her parents by government authorities not wanting to do unpaid overtime, wanting it done already.  Them saying her SEP's were absent and equivocal (questionable/ambiguous), her eyes were fixed and dilated, that she had Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) and that she showed no neurological function, supported their plan to euthanase her.  All of these excuses were untrue and proven to be incorrect.The SEP's result gave a perfectly normal reading for the left hemishpere of the brain.  As can be seen in the hospital note, one eye was not fixed and dilated and was responding.  That hospital note also shows Melissa's movements and neurological function, only a few hours before they pulled the plug.   However, I believe she was again given paralytics and sedatives to make her much more unresponsive prior to her parents arrival at her bedside.