Friday 8 January 2016

If you want to do a finger to the law, be a doctor or a judge

Anoyone else see the pattern here? Yet another med student. Gets away with boy racing at 210km/hr then lying to police. His 2nd such charge. But he is apparently an outstanding citizen with a brilliant career and a lifetime of taxpaying ahead of him to contribute toward those not as privileged as himself to get punished through the justice system for the same thing. The most corrupt judges are getting clever enough to suppress the occupations. By getting name suppression and discharged, he is in effect getting away with it totally, as a crim record dos not disclose what is done when one has name suppression.---------------------------- :Given name suppression. If this person was not a doctor, she would have been charged with murder, masses of so called old injuries would have been made up as abuse and come hell or high water it would be ensured she was convicted on it. It's great she found humanity in the injustice system. It's not so great doctors, rugby players, judges and Crown lawyers are above the law that's good enough for everyone else.----------------------------- :Dr Elizabeth Lowenthal ---------------------------------- :Dr Oliver Rose------------------------------------ :Dr Selwyn Leeks who sexually and phusically abused children and was let off. Lip service is given to the value of children. The system is about having doctors save face.------------------------------ :Dr Wendy Florence------------------------------------------ :Qianru "Angela" Liu. Med student of course!-------------------------------------- :Dr David Mundell let off smashing a wine bottle over his partners head because of a shortage of specialists of his expertise.------------------------------ :Another Doc with name suppression let off bashing his wife------------------------------ :Dr Carl Harmer who got to ram his private yacht into a police launch AND drive drunk on a separate charge and be let off both. Discharged without conviction on driving drunk; and ordered to pay a pittance of his pocket money to charity for doing such a brazen finger to the law and police with his yacht. Because he's an anesthetist he can be as aggro, anti-social and oppositional defiant as he likes ------------------------ :Another name suppression case. It's OK for them to be drug dealers and practice for years without being registered too.--------------------------- We can't have doctors held to account when they do a finger to the law. The horror of it they they would have a consequence. When police ever ask you what profession you have, it would pay to say you are a doctor. Will make them think twice about charging you because the judge will only undermine their authority by letting the crim off anyway. A judge in the Palmerston North court said a couple of weeks ago "the laws the law and no-one is exempt". I nearly cracked up laughing. Perhaps to that judge, but what a naive comment!

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