Wednesday 4 May 2016

Judge Lynton Stevens does a finger to the law for sentencing

Judge Lynton Stevens does a finger to the law for sentencing

Mr HJ, crown prosecutor (633) at summing up said “Crown says that the mechanism of death involved impact.  Involved impact!  It did involve impact and we are agreed on that.  The debate is not that impact involved death, but what caused the impact.  You can exclude shaking alone.  To be legally culpable, legally responsible for that, that mechanism has to have caused Melissa’s death.”
Judge Stevens repeated it was impact many times in summing up.  “I have set out what the Crown allegation is, that the unlawful act was an assault by the accused by impacting the head of the deceased” (T 694).

At sentencing Judge Stevens changed his story from impact to accepting as fact “solely shaking” and said “I accept that was the way in which the case was originally put to trial but…..(bla bla BS)”. Durrrrr Judge Stevens, it’s what you used to get me convicted at summing up because that’s all the evidence proved!!!!!!! (801)

The crown prosecutor persisted with impact for sentencing, but was totally disregarded by Judge Stevens.  (7, 8 crown submission for sentence).  Your honesty in this regard did not go un-noticed by me Mr HJ!

I have not given up on getting the truth out. You can all stonewall me as much as you can and you will not succeed. As that idiot judge told me at sentencing Melissa’s family deserve to know the truth.

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