Tuesday 27 September 2016

Patrick Kelly, statistic manipulator

Coming soon, a journal article written by Dr Patrick Kelly who committed perjury at my trial to save Dr Jones hide and to make sure the judge could accept against the evidence "extremely violent shaken baby" as Dr Jones diagnosed as an excuse to neglect Melissa and refuse her a life saving operation.

This article reflects extremely well how Dr Kelly manipulates statistics for self glory and to have ODD with other professional researchers.

The "research" of this paper was 6 years in during my trial in which it showed a large percentage of young children get subdural haemorrhages from accidental short falls WITHOUT fractures, ie not enough force for a fracture.  However, at trial Patrick Kelly said he sees fractures in short falls and wouldn't expect to see subdural haemorrhages.  In the conclusion of his 'research" he twists around the results to say they must mean the falls were not accidental.  Of course if a fruit is not an apple it has to be a pear!  He backs up his assumption that is out of his area of expertise, by saying he must be correct as four people were later convicted of the injuries.  One of those he is referring to is me.

Does anyone else see what is happening here?  Patrick Kelly commits perjury at trial to get the people convicted, then says he must be right as they got convicted.  He also uses his previous equally devious and dubious "research" in his reference list and as the 'evidence' that supports him.  And when one looks at his reference list, it is all extremist unprofessional like-minded people he reads only.

Dr Kelly is all out for his own ego and manipulating statistics.  He is not humble and for children in the least.  His "research", coming from me who knows how to conduct correct scientific report, is laughable; unfortunately fooling so many and convenient for the Crown to use for their agendas against professional research.

All of Patrick Kellys "research" should so be taken with a pinch of salt as he told the jury of all the truths I said of how Melissa was in my care and her development.  I find the journals that publish his work of poor quality, but of course maybe they do not know of Dr Kellys conflict of interests in his so called 'research'.

Dr Jones kills another child and gets to carry on as though nothing happened again!

The department of internal affairs issued me a death certificate for Melissa which has the incorrect date of death on it and cause of death as "subject to coroners findings".  I initially got a very helpful person and couldn't believe my luck that a government agency was going to do as they ought.  She contacted the coroners and was sent a letter saying there was no coroners inquest.   She refused to give me a copy of this letter, but she received a subsequent one that said there has been a coroners inquest when the Coroners Office then remembered they are meant to pretend there was.  So once again Internal Affairs contacted them and asked for the findings.

Any person is entitled to coroners findings (S28) and the Crown Law Office and Coroners Office have been doing a finger to the laws, not only by refusing to have an inquest when new information comes to light (S60), having coroners findings, to hear from me what happened, to make recommendations based upon the death; but also by obstructing the issue of findings to me come hell or high water.  All the agencies close rank.

Now the coroner has contacted internal affairs a third time, obviously telling her I am the accused who supposedly caused Melissa's death and she should not co-operate with me; as she now refuses to reply to any of my e-mails or tell me the findings and insists on telling me by phone only; a trick the Crown Law Office also do to save me having evidence to take to a lawyer.

If the coroners alleged findings are what Judge Lynton Stevens, now an appeal court judge, ruled as "fact" at my sentencing illegally against the evidence, this of course is strong enough to take further action.  Yet if the alleged findings support what I told them all happened, Melissa had a short distance fall and hit her head, then this shows Dr David Jones is responsible for Melissa's death by refusing the operation his surgeon recommended for her to survive and make a full recovery.  So of course the Crown do not want me to have that either.

Once the ball of perjury and corruption gets rolling, it snowballs and snowballs, because the government departments will fight to the death to save face.  Children's lives don't matter to them when its about saving face or money.

All these years I had been fooling myself that behind closed doors Melissa's death at the hands of Dr Jones made a difference in a positive way in the hospital system.  Now I find he is carrying on with neglect of children and misconduct and causing other children's deaths.  And yet no-one ever holds him to account.  You can break the law however you please, so long as you are a doctor, judge or coroner.
