Tuesday 27 September 2016

Patrick Kelly, statistic manipulator

Coming soon, a journal article written by Dr Patrick Kelly who committed perjury at my trial to save Dr Jones hide and to make sure the judge could accept against the evidence "extremely violent shaken baby" as Dr Jones diagnosed as an excuse to neglect Melissa and refuse her a life saving operation.

This article reflects extremely well how Dr Kelly manipulates statistics for self glory and to have ODD with other professional researchers.

The "research" of this paper was 6 years in during my trial in which it showed a large percentage of young children get subdural haemorrhages from accidental short falls WITHOUT fractures, ie not enough force for a fracture.  However, at trial Patrick Kelly said he sees fractures in short falls and wouldn't expect to see subdural haemorrhages.  In the conclusion of his 'research" he twists around the results to say they must mean the falls were not accidental.  Of course if a fruit is not an apple it has to be a pear!  He backs up his assumption that is out of his area of expertise, by saying he must be correct as four people were later convicted of the injuries.  One of those he is referring to is me.

Does anyone else see what is happening here?  Patrick Kelly commits perjury at trial to get the people convicted, then says he must be right as they got convicted.  He also uses his previous equally devious and dubious "research" in his reference list and as the 'evidence' that supports him.  And when one looks at his reference list, it is all extremist unprofessional like-minded people he reads only.

Dr Kelly is all out for his own ego and manipulating statistics.  He is not humble and for children in the least.  His "research", coming from me who knows how to conduct correct scientific report, is laughable; unfortunately fooling so many and convenient for the Crown to use for their agendas against professional research.

All of Patrick Kellys "research" should so be taken with a pinch of salt as he told the jury of all the truths I said of how Melissa was in my care and her development.  I find the journals that publish his work of poor quality, but of course maybe they do not know of Dr Kellys conflict of interests in his so called 'research'.

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