Monday 30 January 2017

Obstructive authority 7 Crown Law Office, hallelujah they replied!!

These people have been stonewalling me for four years.  They absolutely refuse a coroners inquest, despite the coroner having not met statutory requirments, as this will prove I am not responsible for Melissa's death, but rather Dr Jones poor decision is the reason they wouldn't give Melissa a chance later on.

In one of my beating around the bush replies from the Crown Law Office, they told me there had to be new evidence to have a coroners inquest.  Here's my latest letter to them which pretty much is a repeat of the four years worth, but very simplified for them.  I refer to "new evidence" from the main Crown Prosecution 'expert' himself in the form of his article "Patterns ofstructural head injury in children younger than 3 years: a ten year review of 519 patients".

This contradicts what he said at trial, although he knew the truth before the research was completed and published four years later.  Dr Patrick Kelly's 'research' “In older children (6m-3y), subdural hemorrhage was more common after minor falls (<1m 49%)”.  This is the opposite of what he said at my trial despite his research being in its 6th year, when he said if a child had a short fall it would have fractures, not subdural haemorrhages.  

He was trying to the very end to ram shaken baby down the juries throats, to do his upmost at helping Dr Jones save face in committing perjury to match the mistaken diagnosis.  Even to the point of trial there were two totally different causes of death offered to the jury and they were free to guess where all the medical information that was way over their heads would fit in to either.  Both causes of death are totally different, which just goes to show how the Crown can get away with anything.

One of Patrick Kellys favorite tactics is also so say that no evidence does not mean it didn't happen.  So people do not have a shit-show of proving innocence, not that I was meant to!!!! And the Crown are let off the hook of proving guilt.  How does one prove what didn't happen?  They got to be as vague as they liked and to be supported by the judge to do so.

Up until now the Crown Law Office has refused to answer all my questions and provide what the law says they should.  That is how how Law authorities are in this country.  They repeatedly do a finger to that they are meant to uphold.  I don't envisage a reply from them at all.

Oh wow, they did reply.  After my reminder e-mail this morning and three months of being stonewalled, they sent a copy and paste reply within minutes.  Of course it is nothing new.  They just parroted the same old same old.  But they did tell me if I was not happy with the Coroners decision to go to the head coroner.  I did and he forwarded my correspondance to the Crown Law Office and refused to discuss anything with me, telling me to go through them.  Crown Law Office also told me I could go to the Solicitor general.  I requested that long ago, and they refused to send my correspondance to him and he made the Crown Law Office take control of that too whilst also refusing to correspond with me.  This agency is the most corrupt, beligerant one I reckon we have in NZ.  They are meant to uphold the law, but the law is there for their convenience to  twist around however they like and to do a finger to as they see fit.

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