Sunday 8 April 2018

To the jury member who indirectly contacted me

If it is any consolation to you, this is an example of what two of the trial experts said afterwards:

An e-mail to my lawyer after I was convicted, from the defense forensic pathologist.

Just one example of evidence the Crown kept from their own experts and trial.  And of course on top of that an absolutely useless lawyer; a biased judge; a Crown prosecutor twisting everything around; the theatrics of Dr Patrick Kelly and his sabotage prior to trial through the media; and a few other aspects; there was never going to be a show of my getting the correct verdict. 

Only the defence experts, Crown prosecutor, and those who committed perjury: Patrick Kelly, Mr B (neurosurgeon) and Dr S (Crown neuropathologist) knew all the information and saw it how it was.

Defense pediatrician of equal standing to Patrick Kelly, only professional and objective.

I have never held anything against the jury members.  I knew it was as this expert said  prior to trial and that  medical information the jury would shut out from as it swept over their heads. Others experts have also given the same remarks.  I had four years to get my head around it and was listening frustrated as I could see none of you got the significance of the evidence very strongly in my favor, but I understood.  Even with the nearly four years it took the Crown to find experts prepared to commit perjury, I still needed the additional three in prison to get an extensive understanding; and I have completed five years of university science training, so have an aptitude to understand  this sort of information. 

But it was all meant to be.  God has made absolute good of it and He warned me through premonitions well before trial that you would give a guilty verdict and that I would go to prison.  He kept me informed all the way.  Even when CYFS and  Open Home Foundation let me find out by radio of  Melissa’s death, I was already pre-informed.

Regardless I thank-you for coming forward to tell me what you did.  This showed me you have a conscience.  I am now assured that at least one jury member is a decent person; and at least one of you was suspicious and did not have the wool pulled over your eyes as much as the Crown got away smirking with.

10For you O God, tested us;  you refined us like silver.  11You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs.  12You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water; but you brought us to a place of abundance.  Psa 66

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