Thursday 19 March 2020

Very truthful appeal submission

Wish I had had this lawyer.  Of course this lawyer is NOT Rachael Adams, the most useless lawyer ever, who gave it to the Crown.  I pulled the plug on appeal on conviction under bad advice, naievity of believing there would be a coroners inquest in which the truth would be revealed, because I was not in the right psychological state to endure an appeal, and because I wanted to remain in prison.

As I withdrew appeal on conviction the Crown then twisted everything around as they do, to have the last say, as they do, that what I was convicted on and all the lies said, I was admitting to by withdrawing appeal on conviction.

And the judge who had just run a trial based upon Melissa hitting her head  because that is all the evidence proved, as well as letting Dr Patrick Kelly say it was extremely violent shaken baby as that is what Dr J misdiagnosed; but covering his bases for a conviction by making out I had put Melissa under immense horrific abuse from the moment she was in my house, had caused her to have repeat head injuries etc; upon sentencing concluded the case was solely extremely violent shaken baby.

So the likes of Dr J and Patrick Kelly could manipulate the case to their own self interest and 'cause'.  This is how Patrick Kelly conducts his pseudoscience 'research', manipulating things to be whatever he wants it to be.  And he is obsessed with shaken baby and convicting people whether they are guilty or not.

I was bribed by plea bargain, to say I had only solely shaken Melissa.  She was too old for shaken baby.  But Patrick Kelly likes to dispute all other experts findings, and it let those responsible for Melissa's medical neglect off totally.  They have much of the fact that I initially said Melissa had fallen from the portacot, rather than she fell from her standing height; and yet they attempted to bribe me to lie for them.

A coroners inquest has never been held.  The truth of an inquest will show what the appeal document below is about.

Melissa experienced a subdural re-bleed of an earlier accidental head injury, from a low force short fall.  Not conducting a craniotomy urgently lead to extensive brain injury that caused them to want to euthanase her with a morphine overdose, when they considered her unworthy of the cost of rehabilitation.

And yet, she could have made a full recovery if operated on soon enough.

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