Wednesday 2 March 2016

Judge unjust

The bottom three pictures are what the judge told the jury during summing up. He TOLD the jury to ask to see my original video tape again. This tape was filmed when I was not told it was my right to not be filmed and had not been read my bill of rights. It was also the video for the first arrest of assault that was withdrawn with police saying the case was closed and there was no suspicious circumstances; not a statement for my murder charge made after I began probing into Melissa's neglect. For all these reasons therefore, it was inadmissible. I was in deep shock, dissociated, focusing on my poor response to try and get a response from Melissa, and extremely distressed and confused. At the time I was phobic with cameras and intensely fearful of police, and all people for that matter. Judge actually told the jury to disregard the transcripts in case they "lost the wood for the trees", the exact opposite of what the appeal court says he should have instructed if he was low enough to allow them to end the trial on the extremely dramatic derogatory note the Crown started out on. In other words go only by my video and disregard the evidence! The second transcript that was much more accurate, taken when I was emotionally stable and coherent, the jury were led to disregard by the judge. I could fool myself that the judge was being nice making getting an appeal easy, but it doesn't stack up with the other nasty things he did to ensure everything in his power would be stacked against me. This judge now works for the appeal courts. The very courts that wrote up the document in the first picture on how he should have conducted this aspect. How concerning is that?

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