Wednesday 30 March 2016

Prep for murder 3

The Codman monitor measures intracranial pressure (ICP) in the head. It was inserted at surgery. As seen in the first picture, the staff were concerned that initially the readings were quite low. When the readings began to increase, showing improvement in Melissa at 0600 on the 06/01/2006, the monitor was removed. This ensured there would not be any recordings of improvement. Of course if the pressure rose too high it would also be concerning and would give them more motivation to make Melissa's parents agree to murder her, so what other reason would they remove it except that given she was shown to be improving and "very stable", that the pressure would not increase to a concerning level and they knew that.------------------------ When a person is critically injured or neglected by doctors to become critical, loved ones and media announce if there is hope that the person is "critical, but stable". That "but" means a huge amount of hope to loved ones and that there is most definitely hope that the person will recover.----------------------- The second to last picture shows how Melissa had improved so much she was trying to breathe independantly of the ventilator.----------------- The last one is what Dr Meadows said to encourage turning off the ventilator and murder of Melissa saying her SEP's (measure neurological function) were "absent and equivacal", but the actual result was absent on the haemorrhage side and 'normal" for her left side.

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