Monday 7 March 2016

They think they are more than Melissa

These documents were given to the jury in order to help them decide if I was guilty of murder or manslaughter.----------------------------------------------- Part one, did I apply force to Melissa's head? I applied force to her stomach area in order to get her to sit down for a nappy change. This was an impulsive snapping of rage when she did not sit when I asked her too, but looked as though she was going to then stood back up. I intended she land on her bottom with enough force only that she could not self-correct and remain standing. Her bottom landed at the spot it would have if I had taken her under the arms and sat her backwards with her legs straight. There was not enough force to cause a bruise on her stomach. She inadvertently and totally unintentionally hit her head as she fell over. It could be argued that momentum and the rotational manner of the fall was the acting force upon Melissa's head, but for arguments sake, let's say I am guilty of that one.--------------------------------------------- Part two. Perhaps this is arguable also. I had the intention to cause Melissa to sit down. By no means whatsoever did I intend for her to hit her head. So I can't really answer whether the indirect impact and force on Melissa's head is a result of my intention. So for arguments sake, let's again say I am guilty of this.------------------------------------------------------------ Part three. Was such an act operative and substantial cause of death. Here's where I return a NOT-guilty. Operative yes. Substantial, not by any means in the least. It was the doctors unlawful conduct that led to Melissa's death by deliberate and predetermined neglect and overdose. The police correctly withdrew the original charge of assault when the autopsy showed Melissa's prior accidental subdural haemorrhage, that the second was a re-bleed, that Melissa had megacephaly, that all her blood vessels were found to be vulnerable to bleeding by the surgeon and that virtually all tissue death in the brain was a result of not being operated on urgently enough. There are also two admissions to Tauranga hospital that I was never given documents for that the police know. Also my documentation evidence of the previous accidental head injury. Also scientific research that shows a person is extremely susceptible to a catastrophic effects and re-bleed with little force with a healing subdural. ------------------------------------------------- Therefore, the jury should have found me not guilty of murder or manslaughter.-------------------------------------------------- What I did to Melissa when I pushed her, led to her death. It did not cause it. Drs J, K, Gabriel Nuthall and Tavey Dorofaeef saw to that. One made a call immediately that Melissa was solely "shaken baby" and would die immediately so there was no need to treat her and she could just be left on the gurney to die. Dr K backed up that doctor immediately and hastily and added that it was extremely violent shaking. (He told CYFS a number of very unprofessional lies off the top of his head, and the media in circulation of jury selection, just before trial). Then Dr Nuthall went on to plan her death, which was followed through by Dr Dorofaeff. Dr K was the trial expert who went all out to support the incorrect diagnosis. The judge accepted his lies as 'fact' for sentencing although they were obviously against the evidence, so that Dr K could then use incorrect and made up injuries as ‘statistics’ for shaken baby. Doctors have an oath to each other first and foremost. They will close ranks and protect each other to the grave. It seems ALL government authorities do so too, the health and disability commissioner, the so-called justice system, coroners, etc. I am considered expendable for their purpose, as was Melissa.------------------------------------

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