Tuesday 27 September 2016

Patrick Kelly, statistic manipulator

Coming soon, a journal article written by Dr Patrick Kelly who committed perjury at my trial to save Dr Jones hide and to make sure the judge could accept against the evidence "extremely violent shaken baby" as Dr Jones diagnosed as an excuse to neglect Melissa and refuse her a life saving operation.

This article reflects extremely well how Dr Kelly manipulates statistics for self glory and to have ODD with other professional researchers.

The "research" of this paper was 6 years in during my trial in which it showed a large percentage of young children get subdural haemorrhages from accidental short falls WITHOUT fractures, ie not enough force for a fracture.  However, at trial Patrick Kelly said he sees fractures in short falls and wouldn't expect to see subdural haemorrhages.  In the conclusion of his 'research" he twists around the results to say they must mean the falls were not accidental.  Of course if a fruit is not an apple it has to be a pear!  He backs up his assumption that is out of his area of expertise, by saying he must be correct as four people were later convicted of the injuries.  One of those he is referring to is me.

Does anyone else see what is happening here?  Patrick Kelly commits perjury at trial to get the people convicted, then says he must be right as they got convicted.  He also uses his previous equally devious and dubious "research" in his reference list and as the 'evidence' that supports him.  And when one looks at his reference list, it is all extremist unprofessional like-minded people he reads only.

Dr Kelly is all out for his own ego and manipulating statistics.  He is not humble and for children in the least.  His "research", coming from me who knows how to conduct correct scientific report, is laughable; unfortunately fooling so many and convenient for the Crown to use for their agendas against professional research.

All of Patrick Kellys "research" should so be taken with a pinch of salt as he told the jury of all the truths I said of how Melissa was in my care and her development.  I find the journals that publish his work of poor quality, but of course maybe they do not know of Dr Kellys conflict of interests in his so called 'research'.

Dr Jones kills another child and gets to carry on as though nothing happened again!

The department of internal affairs issued me a death certificate for Melissa which has the incorrect date of death on it and cause of death as "subject to coroners findings".  I initially got a very helpful person and couldn't believe my luck that a government agency was going to do as they ought.  She contacted the coroners and was sent a letter saying there was no coroners inquest.   She refused to give me a copy of this letter, but she received a subsequent one that said there has been a coroners inquest when the Coroners Office then remembered they are meant to pretend there was.  So once again Internal Affairs contacted them and asked for the findings.

Any person is entitled to coroners findings (S28) and the Crown Law Office and Coroners Office have been doing a finger to the laws, not only by refusing to have an inquest when new information comes to light (S60), having coroners findings, to hear from me what happened, to make recommendations based upon the death; but also by obstructing the issue of findings to me come hell or high water.  All the agencies close rank.

Now the coroner has contacted internal affairs a third time, obviously telling her I am the accused who supposedly caused Melissa's death and she should not co-operate with me; as she now refuses to reply to any of my e-mails or tell me the findings and insists on telling me by phone only; a trick the Crown Law Office also do to save me having evidence to take to a lawyer.

If the coroners alleged findings are what Judge Lynton Stevens, now an appeal court judge, ruled as "fact" at my sentencing illegally against the evidence, this of course is strong enough to take further action.  Yet if the alleged findings support what I told them all happened, Melissa had a short distance fall and hit her head, then this shows Dr David Jones is responsible for Melissa's death by refusing the operation his surgeon recommended for her to survive and make a full recovery.  So of course the Crown do not want me to have that either.

Once the ball of perjury and corruption gets rolling, it snowballs and snowballs, because the government departments will fight to the death to save face.  Children's lives don't matter to them when its about saving face or money.

All these years I had been fooling myself that behind closed doors Melissa's death at the hands of Dr Jones made a difference in a positive way in the hospital system.  Now I find he is carrying on with neglect of children and misconduct and causing other children's deaths.  And yet no-one ever holds him to account.  You can break the law however you please, so long as you are a doctor, judge or coroner.


Thursday 11 August 2016

Neuropathologist, about Melissa's case: All standards are relevant until the real one shows up.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Wise words from others who also know

How little do they see what is, who frame their hasty judgments upon that which seems.  Robert Southey.  

Richard Cardinal Cushing: When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.

Nelson Mandela: “The justice system is not about upholding truth, law or justice, but of molding an ideal required of society”. 

Montesquieu: The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy.

 Jonathan Swift: Ambition often puts men upon doing the meanest offices: so climbing is performed in the same posture with creeping.  

Grover Cleveland: There is no calamity which a great nation can invite which equals that which follows a supine submission to wrong and injustice.

Benjamin Disraeli: What is crime amongst the multitude, is only vice among the few

Ambrose Bierce: Politics is the conduct of public affairs for private advantage.

Ambrose Bierce: Justice is a commodity which in a more or less adulterated condition the State sells to the citizen as a reward for his allegiance, taxes and personal service.

 Seigneur de Saint-Evremond: The censure of those who are opposed to us, is the highest commendation that can be given us.

William Rounseville Alger: Men often make up in wrath what they want in reason. 

Neuropathologist, about Melissa's case: All standards are relevant until the real one shows up.

Daniel J Boorstin: Your greatest obstacle to personal growth isn’t ignorance; it’s the illusion of knowledge.

Thursday 2 June 2016

obstructive authority 6 Coroners Office


Despite the coroner telling me in his letter of 18th September 2014 that the Soliciter General must decide if a coroners inquest is to be continued; the law allows coroners to decide this themselves, as I knew the whole time.  The Crown Law Office have been saying the past three years that they will not have an inquest as there is no new evidence, and the Coroners have been saying it's not for them to decide.  There is easily new evidence due to the perjury at my trial of the three Crown experts who initially all supported it was a low level fall, but then changed their minds when I was enquiring as to doctors conduct in medical neglect manslaughter and the murder by morhpine overdose of Melissa.  Dr K himself, the chief Crown 'expert' who contributed most to getting me convicted and has the most face to save in this case, himself, has published very contrary research to what he said at trial, although six years into that 10 year review at the time of trial.
     Anyway, the Coroner has decided to have a coroners inquest for Moko, a child brutally tortured to death recently, despite the courts having got people convicted.  I have been told by the coroners Office and Crown Law Office repeatedly the past three years, that the Coroner had to go by the "facts" of my case (although they refuse to tell me by what "facts" they went by) as it was against the public interest to pay for "another" hearing that had already been the means by which the truth should have been aired.
     That is not the only lie told to me by the Crown Law Office and Coroners Office.  More to come in obstruction authority Crown Law Office.  Of course the difference in Mokos case and Melissa's, is that I am not responsible for Melissa's death.  I have just been scapegoated for it.  Doctors will never be held to account in this country.  They can break the law as they please.  Moko didn't survive long enough for the doctors to refuse him treatment then euthanase him.
     The correspondance e-mail of November 5th 2014 outlines the laws the Crown Law Office and Coroners Office are breaking, by not having a coroners inquest for Melissa.  They have an incorrect date of death and no cause on the death certificate and yet teh Crown Law Office and coroners keep parroting over and over again that they have had a coroners inquest, as their excuse to not "have another".  They have not had one.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Prep for murder 7

It didn't matter how Melissa was improving and progressing.  She was very stable by hospital notes and breathing 1:1 with the machine at the stage they decided to pull the plug followed by a morphine overdose, when she refused to die and great pressure was put on her parents by government authorities not wanting to do unpaid overtime, wanting it done already.  Them saying her SEP's were absent and equivocal (questionable/ambiguous), her eyes were fixed and dilated, that she had Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) and that she showed no neurological function, supported their plan to euthanase her.  All of these excuses were untrue and proven to be incorrect.The SEP's result gave a perfectly normal reading for the left hemishpere of the brain.  As can be seen in the hospital note, one eye was not fixed and dilated and was responding.  That hospital note also shows Melissa's movements and neurological function, only a few hours before they pulled the plug.   However, I believe she was again given paralytics and sedatives to make her much more unresponsive prior to her parents arrival at her bedside.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Prep for murder 6

Speaks for itself.  The plan as put in place by Dr Gabrielle Nuthall.  The Codman monitor began to show Melissa's brain pressure was improving "trending upward", at the stage Dr Nuthall ordered it be removed.  Dr Tavey Dorofaeef puts instructions in that no-one should perform CPR and to notify Dr Nuthall if this situation develops.  Dr Nuthall had already prepped Melissa for a morphine overdose though, so of course the situation was not going to arise.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Judge Lynton Stevens does a finger to the law for sentencing

Judge Lynton Stevens does a finger to the law for sentencing

Mr HJ, crown prosecutor (633) at summing up said “Crown says that the mechanism of death involved impact.  Involved impact!  It did involve impact and we are agreed on that.  The debate is not that impact involved death, but what caused the impact.  You can exclude shaking alone.  To be legally culpable, legally responsible for that, that mechanism has to have caused Melissa’s death.”
Judge Stevens repeated it was impact many times in summing up.  “I have set out what the Crown allegation is, that the unlawful act was an assault by the accused by impacting the head of the deceased” (T 694).

At sentencing Judge Stevens changed his story from impact to accepting as fact “solely shaking” and said “I accept that was the way in which the case was originally put to trial but…..(bla bla BS)”. Durrrrr Judge Stevens, it’s what you used to get me convicted at summing up because that’s all the evidence proved!!!!!!! (801)

The crown prosecutor persisted with impact for sentencing, but was totally disregarded by Judge Stevens.  (7, 8 crown submission for sentence).  Your honesty in this regard did not go un-noticed by me Mr HJ!

I have not given up on getting the truth out. You can all stonewall me as much as you can and you will not succeed. As that idiot judge told me at sentencing Melissa’s family deserve to know the truth.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Prep for murder 5

Melissa had fixed and dilated pupils when the opthamologist gave her eye drops. This was when the neurologist did his assessment, as well as when she was under paralytics and sedatives to keep her GSC low. He determined that Melissa was neurologically basically dead and gone of course. However, one of her eyes was functioning as it should when these eye drops wore off and research shows that there is favorable outcome with recovery when at least one eye is responding. Defence was never given a drugs chart for the day of the 07/03/2006, the day prior to Melissa's planned murder, but once again, notes began to record her eyes as fixed and dilated. It would seem the drops were reapplied prior to Melissa's parents being able to be with her. They most certainly have something to hide by not giving defence the drug chart of that day and refusing me it now, although I am entitled to it.

Prep for murder 4

This is part of a document the hospital sent CYFS straight after Melissa's operation, well before any neurological tests were completed as to prognosis. Melissa was to be kept alive, not to help her, but to run tests on her, gathering evidence.

Prep for murder 1

The use of Dexamethasone is strongly advised against in the case of traumatic head injury. "Corticosteroids increased short and long-term mortality in adults with traumatic head injury".--------------------- However, if the patient is not accustomed to morphine, this drug enhances the effects of the morphine. Melissa was taken off morphine straight after surgery so she would not get tolerant of small doses. Prior to being denied morphine, she was on 20 micrograms/kg/h. The Dexamethasone was given to her a few hours before her morphine overdose. The overdose rate was 2 milligrams! This is 100x the rate of the previous dose at the time of surgery for therapeutic purpose.------------------------------------------- As can be seen in the first picture Dr Tavey Dorofaeef, paediatric registrar, changed his mind about leaving a paper trail as he went to put the date in. It would totally seem he realised the death certificate would have time of death on it at this stage, and decided not to record the time for the lethal dose. However, the effect is clearly seen in Melissa's vitals graph.

Prep for murder 2

Fluid restriction to 30-40 mls/hr at 1250am of the 7th. This dehydration would concentrate the morphine overdose and make it work much more effectively. The urine output 6h before morphine overdose shows how very dehydrated they made Melissa.

Prep for murder 3

The Codman monitor measures intracranial pressure (ICP) in the head. It was inserted at surgery. As seen in the first picture, the staff were concerned that initially the readings were quite low. When the readings began to increase, showing improvement in Melissa at 0600 on the 06/01/2006, the monitor was removed. This ensured there would not be any recordings of improvement. Of course if the pressure rose too high it would also be concerning and would give them more motivation to make Melissa's parents agree to murder her, so what other reason would they remove it except that given she was shown to be improving and "very stable", that the pressure would not increase to a concerning level and they knew that.------------------------ When a person is critically injured or neglected by doctors to become critical, loved ones and media announce if there is hope that the person is "critical, but stable". That "but" means a huge amount of hope to loved ones and that there is most definitely hope that the person will recover.----------------------- The second to last picture shows how Melissa had improved so much she was trying to breathe independantly of the ventilator.----------------- The last one is what Dr Meadows said to encourage turning off the ventilator and murder of Melissa saying her SEP's (measure neurological function) were "absent and equivacal", but the actual result was absent on the haemorrhage side and 'normal" for her left side.

Monday 7 March 2016

They think they are more than Melissa

These documents were given to the jury in order to help them decide if I was guilty of murder or manslaughter.----------------------------------------------- Part one, did I apply force to Melissa's head? I applied force to her stomach area in order to get her to sit down for a nappy change. This was an impulsive snapping of rage when she did not sit when I asked her too, but looked as though she was going to then stood back up. I intended she land on her bottom with enough force only that she could not self-correct and remain standing. Her bottom landed at the spot it would have if I had taken her under the arms and sat her backwards with her legs straight. There was not enough force to cause a bruise on her stomach. She inadvertently and totally unintentionally hit her head as she fell over. It could be argued that momentum and the rotational manner of the fall was the acting force upon Melissa's head, but for arguments sake, let's say I am guilty of that one.--------------------------------------------- Part two. Perhaps this is arguable also. I had the intention to cause Melissa to sit down. By no means whatsoever did I intend for her to hit her head. So I can't really answer whether the indirect impact and force on Melissa's head is a result of my intention. So for arguments sake, let's again say I am guilty of this.------------------------------------------------------------ Part three. Was such an act operative and substantial cause of death. Here's where I return a NOT-guilty. Operative yes. Substantial, not by any means in the least. It was the doctors unlawful conduct that led to Melissa's death by deliberate and predetermined neglect and overdose. The police correctly withdrew the original charge of assault when the autopsy showed Melissa's prior accidental subdural haemorrhage, that the second was a re-bleed, that Melissa had megacephaly, that all her blood vessels were found to be vulnerable to bleeding by the surgeon and that virtually all tissue death in the brain was a result of not being operated on urgently enough. There are also two admissions to Tauranga hospital that I was never given documents for that the police know. Also my documentation evidence of the previous accidental head injury. Also scientific research that shows a person is extremely susceptible to a catastrophic effects and re-bleed with little force with a healing subdural. ------------------------------------------------- Therefore, the jury should have found me not guilty of murder or manslaughter.-------------------------------------------------- What I did to Melissa when I pushed her, led to her death. It did not cause it. Drs J, K, Gabriel Nuthall and Tavey Dorofaeef saw to that. One made a call immediately that Melissa was solely "shaken baby" and would die immediately so there was no need to treat her and she could just be left on the gurney to die. Dr K backed up that doctor immediately and hastily and added that it was extremely violent shaking. (He told CYFS a number of very unprofessional lies off the top of his head, and the media in circulation of jury selection, just before trial). Then Dr Nuthall went on to plan her death, which was followed through by Dr Dorofaeff. Dr K was the trial expert who went all out to support the incorrect diagnosis. The judge accepted his lies as 'fact' for sentencing although they were obviously against the evidence, so that Dr K could then use incorrect and made up injuries as ‘statistics’ for shaken baby. Doctors have an oath to each other first and foremost. They will close ranks and protect each other to the grave. It seems ALL government authorities do so too, the health and disability commissioner, the so-called justice system, coroners, etc. I am considered expendable for their purpose, as was Melissa.------------------------------------

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Judge unjust

The bottom three pictures are what the judge told the jury during summing up. He TOLD the jury to ask to see my original video tape again. This tape was filmed when I was not told it was my right to not be filmed and had not been read my bill of rights. It was also the video for the first arrest of assault that was withdrawn with police saying the case was closed and there was no suspicious circumstances; not a statement for my murder charge made after I began probing into Melissa's neglect. For all these reasons therefore, it was inadmissible. I was in deep shock, dissociated, focusing on my poor response to try and get a response from Melissa, and extremely distressed and confused. At the time I was phobic with cameras and intensely fearful of police, and all people for that matter. Judge actually told the jury to disregard the transcripts in case they "lost the wood for the trees", the exact opposite of what the appeal court says he should have instructed if he was low enough to allow them to end the trial on the extremely dramatic derogatory note the Crown started out on. In other words go only by my video and disregard the evidence! The second transcript that was much more accurate, taken when I was emotionally stable and coherent, the jury were led to disregard by the judge. I could fool myself that the judge was being nice making getting an appeal easy, but it doesn't stack up with the other nasty things he did to ensure everything in his power would be stacked against me. This judge now works for the appeal courts. The very courts that wrote up the document in the first picture on how he should have conducted this aspect. How concerning is that?