Wednesday 1 July 2015

I don’t call him a “justice” that’s for sure.

135 False or misleading statements and omissions in certain documents (1)Every person commits an offence against this section, and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000, who, in any document to which subsection (2) applies, makes a statement or omits any matter knowing that, or being reckless as to whether, the statement or omission makes the document false or misleading in a material particular. (2)This subsection applies to the following documents: (a)a doctor's report required under section 40: (b)a witness's evidence put into writing, read over to or by the witness, and signed by the witness, in accordance with section 79(3): That's what I mean by you need to be a doctor or a judge in order to do a finger to the law and get away with it.

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