Sunday 12 July 2015

Saving face tactics of CYFS, lawyer, crown prosecutor etc and their gagging

When I was first arrested on 4 Jan 2006, CYFS kept me from being with my family for four months (I was not even allowed to hug them goodbye when flown to Wellington from Tauranga police custody and my youngest had never been apart from me and believed it was his fault I didn’t ‘want’ to be with him). I don't hold it against CYFS that immediately they would want me kept from the family until an investigation found I was a good mother to them, but I was bailed to a friend in Wellington who had four children, the eldest 6 years, the youngest 4 months; and they carried on excluding me from being with my children long after their investigation had concluded I was a good parent of them all, there had never been concerns, I had many supporters testifying to that and they had closed their investigation. On the night I pushed Melissa, the police gave me a choice to have the children go into CYFS care and I could be with my husband, or to be released elsewhere and the children could stay with my husband. I chose the latter because I always put my children first and I had plenty of friends in the Tauranga area to go to. When a nasty OHF social worker found out the deal, she told CYFS. That was when CYFS told police that if I’m released the children would be taken from my husband, split up and put in a number of homes regardless. Therefore, it was CYFS who forced the police to arrest me immediately. (This reflects the care and concern CYFS had for my children to not be together and with friends and their father when experiencing major trauma). The police were as reasonable as they could be initially, but were put in a situation of having to tip the scales against me to further put my children first. When the police with-drew that charge it caused CYFS to then allow me home. There was never any follow up from CYFS to see how I was coping, no thought to effect on the household with my return in my emotional state they had put me in or for what I had experienced, never a face to face interview with me. As soon as the police could take the blame if I was to do anything, CYFS were nowhere to be seen or heard. When I was re-arrested in May 2007 I was given a bail condition that I could not look after children under contract. In other words foster children or barnados day care etc; but I was allowed to look after anyone under private arrangement or newspaper adverts etc. Again I feel this was to save face. So how much of a murderous maniac did the Crown prosecutor and police really believe I was? A CYFS national office worker told me that if anything goes through the courts for my wanting access and custody of my son, they would sabotage that. And that is exactly what CYFS have gone on to do. Any case that go through courts they come down on the parent who has had publicity such as mine whether there are valid concerns or not. I was told to make arrangements outside of court if I want custody, but my ex is not reasonable or normal enough for that and wants to maintain his income source. So rather then allow the much better parent who steps up to the plate have custody, they choose to let my son stay in the abusive, negative, neglectful situation I was rescued from when I went to prison. When providing court documents to the judge, they ensured they put in the words “high profile”. I know what instruction that was to the judge. This is exactly like my trial. Only this time instead of everything stacked against me, it is stacked against my son. Again to save face, but this time for CYFS,not doctors. It seems the judge has not even bothered to read my submissions by his totally incorrect statements. All he had to read was the two words “high profile” CYFS wrote. CYFS refused to put anything positive on their submission of course. The entire document was as incriminating as they could make it, given lies accepted as fact against the evidence by judge Lynton Stevens; and lies Dr K told them in addition, that were never presented to anyone else as they were so far out and extreme. A notification of very serious abuse I made to CYFS four years before they acted upon it which they chose to ignore “because of what we have on our file about you” and my contacts to their office a number of times over it were not explained, as they were in my favour and CYFS would lose face, but they gave those contact dates to the court as dates in which notifications had been made to them about ME! They also said a meeting I had with them about how nasty and unprofessional one of their social workers had been and misconduct by CYFS, was my having a meeting “to discuss custody and access”. They refuse to reply to me on providing full explanations to the court on those events and on things that are not the least bit incriminating that they have taken out of context and twisted around, so the judge can read it only as incriminating. You see, authorities to save face have to bring someone down to be victimised. They have to choose to believe all the lies and add to it. In order to save face they have to scapegoat someone else and abuse their power of authority. And useless lawyers and the injustice system condone it all. It is not about children’s wellbeing. It’s about saving face in case the media find out; and my ex and his nasty girlfriend will make sure they do. They get rewarded for being the poor parents who never step up in any relationships and for being nasty; and my son gets to carry on having very low self esteem, unsupported education, no interest in him as a person from that household, introverting to cope with life more and more, the misery of living at that house etc etc. The contributors of what led me to push Melissa, is what CYFS say is fine for my son to stay in. So long as you don’t have media or court action, CYFS let the lousiest parents parent all they like. If New Zealands child abuse rate is as high as unprofessional, unscientific, vengeful, biased people like Dr K wants us all to believe, then CYFS contribute toward that a great deal with their focus and emphasis on saving face. It’s not about children, to Dr K or to CYFS. With CYFS it does not matter what the truth is, just as for the justice system. When Mr Kahui was found innocent of killing his twins, CYFS kept him from his new daughter anyway. It did not matter that his partner had to struggle without his support with a newborn, or that his daughter had her formative years without her father. All that mattered was if the haters in society found out and caused a stir. That’s how it was and is for me too. They refuse to do what’s best for my son because the stirrers in society will make sure the media knows, and New Zealanders pack much more of a drama when they have a seemingly socially condoned excuse to hate upon people, then they do of making authorities do what they are meant to and acknowledging the truth. Children pay the price of saving face tactics the authorities have and the vengeful hate of those in society champing at the chance to spite. I am allowed to have custody and care of anyone else’s children freely and to my hearts content now I am off parole, but I am not permitted to do what’s best for my son because it is going through the family court. There was much more incriminating evidence against the Kahui twins mother then there was the father, but she got to carry on with children and parenting with no restrictions at all, because she wasn’t the subject going through the court public domain. The police will never re-charge a stronger suspect if the initial person charged is exonerated. There is no way they will choose to carry on losing face over revealing the truth and justice. They will let murderers walk free rather then do that. It is all about saving face for them too. They want to look infallible rather then human. That is theirs and CYFS biggest failings. The Crown prosecutor, my trial lawyer and police still do their darndest to save face, with the mysterious disappearance of documents I am entitled to and refusal to provide evidential documents they never gave defence. My trial lawyer moonlights as a lecturer at Lincoln University and the law society are investigating her over a misconduct of other client’s documents. I was given documents of other people’s cases in the 75% of papers she returned to me. The law society refuse to tell me if a box of my missing papers are amongst the ones she sent off to other clients and they didn’t care that the most important documents and CD’s happen to be the ones missing. She will be protected because she gives it to the crown and is a lecturer. Each authority who is meant to do their job and assist truth and justice makes the excuse that everything I seek should have been brought up at trial or that I’ve waited too long to address it. I have been pushing to address it for 2 years and I happened to get a lawyer who gave it to the crown. The 7 years prior to that, the crown had me well and truly gagged and bound. Now I see why. Now I see there was more to it them taking nearly four years to take it to trial, other than just having to make it a tight case based upon lies and sourcing “experts” prepared to perjure. Isn’t it so very handy for the crown that they have bought in a bill under guise of an anti-bullying bill that will force servers to remove material from the web that is deemed upsets another with intent. They will use that bill to gag freedom of speech, to further gag whistle blowers and in time, to probably shut this blog down as they did for my Topix one when it was not yet legal for them to do so. They say it doesn’t matter if the person is wronged and putting the truth on the web. This Bill is to give the government more power to gag people.

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