Sunday 12 July 2015

Manipulating statistics

Dr K,crown specialist paediatrician has already been slammed in the media by one daring honest judge for saying things are abuse when they aren't. That is just the tip of the iceberg. The system condones the way he dices with lives. I wonder how long this has been going on for and how many children died prior to Melissa and hence, because a doctor refuses to assist them to the full extent; just because they know they can put it down to abuse and scapegoat and nail someone else to the max ability they can? Dr K’s focus is on venge and spite, not children's lives or quality thereof. People don't matter in this country. Even the value of the lives of children is all lip service. People like Dr Gabrielle Nuthall, intensivist, choose not to treat children if she feels assured she can put it down to someone else causing the death and she gets away with it and has the system close rank for her. Dr’s like K then go on to say BS things in court like "because she died it was inflicted" and makes up his own self glorified 'research' based upon children refused treatment and what he wants their death to be, so he can dispute all the honest reputable research out there. I was offered a plea bargain bribe after my second arrest. The police would reduce the charge to manslaughter if I pled guilty and told the courts I only shook Melissa. I did not accept as it was untrue, but that is what the judge gave Dr K anyway. That way Dr K would have free reign and never be held to account to say as he liked of the actual and made up injuries for his ‘research’. At trial he used his own incorrect unscientific ‘research’ to encourage a conviction, such as saying shaken baby cases can have unilateral deep large haemorrhages with only half the brain and only one eye injured. All of which go against logic and other reputable science of shaking. Mark my words, when Dr K retires, so long as an objective, professional, scientific, child loving paediatrician steps into his shoes, NZ's "child abuse" rate will drastically fall, especially of child deaths. In England a well renowned paediatrician was given a little slap on the hand for sending a lot of people to prison he accused of murder when their children died of cot death. But this one paediatrician had it in his head that 'cot death' was made up, no such thing and come hell or high water he was dead set on disputing it and making up his own rules and statistics at the cost of peoples lives. We have our very own one of those right here in NZ's backyard.

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