Wednesday 1 July 2015

When all the lies are taken out

The prior accidental head injury consisted of: a small subdural, pons beading in the upper brainstem (covered up by the crown neuropathologist, accepted as fact by the judge), “one cervical cord root with an area of abnormal fibers of unknown significance” and a bruise left rear (covered up). The recent head injury: large subdural re-bleed; (T,420,Tl 436) lower brainstem medulla beading, minor trauma; (T, 422), corpus collosum beading; bruising front left; small contact subdural front left (both covered up). Secondary to injury and not being operated on in time, was spinal cord ischemia determined by Dr R defense neuropathologist four additional tests, and widespread brain cell death caused by ischemia. Judge Stevens remarked to me at sentencing that he hoped I had read Melissa’s fathers victim impact statement, as he thought it extremely fair and balanced. In particular he hoped I had read “to this day I still do not really know how or why Melissa received such serious injuries. These have never been truthfully explained by the accused in my view, and this only makes it worse for me not knowing exactly how Melissa’s final few hours of meaningful life unfolded. It would certainly help if I knew what had really happened on the day in question”. Judge Stevens then did all he could to cover up the truth and not let Melissa’s loved ones have the ‘facts’. Incidentally, I was refused the opportunity to read any impact statements by my lawyer despite my repeated requests to do so. Making these lies ‘fact’ covered up evidence of a prior head injury Melissa accidentally sustained fifteen days earlier, that made her very susceptible to a catastrophic head injury with little force. It also enabled the Crown prosecutor to make out there were multiple impact sites in order to make out the event was extremely violent, deliberate and prolonged. They also said “the lethal consequences of shaking babies and striking babies is often enough publicized”. What I did was neither of these and I still would never have guessed that Melissa could hit her head, for what I did, but she did and the impact was significant due to a high degree of rotation. But what it enabled the most, was Drs K, J, Gabriel Nuthall and Tavey Dorofaeef to get away with picking and choosing whom they decide is worthy of treatment and life, and to then have no accountability whatsoever. My entire trial was generally based upon lies, twisting innocent things around to appear guilty, circumstantial evidence, inferences, guesses, crown biased judge….. and Mr HJ would just keep saying to the jury “What do you make of that”. The jury wasn’t meant to make things of nothing and imagine. But I wonder what they would all think when they read this blog or my book. Dr M, defense specialist pediatrician (Trial, 566): “If in the face of the obvious, you say that the obvious does not exist, well fine”.

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