Thursday 23 July 2015

perjury of Mr B, neurosurgeon

Mr B committed perjury when he said he did not find macroscopic evidence of the earlier accidental head injury when he operated. Many hospital notes say otherwise. Detective Senior Sergeant T told my lawyer that the assault charge was withdrawn as Mr B had removed two clots at surgery of two different ages and that meant little force was required for the re-bleed. My lawyer did nothing with this information come trial. If you can read doctors illegible writing, here's just some of the documented evidence of a prior subdural seen and removed prior to and at surgery. It was not the head injury that was fatal as Dr Gabrielle Nuthall says in the bottom excerpt of course. Hospital neglect and morphine overdose saw to that. I put that one in anyway as it is subdural haemorrhages, plural! Mr B has since threatened me with defamation if I am to publish this, but I thought defamation only related to lies??? I have nothing to lose anyway and couldn't care less what I get charged with for whistleblowing. Oh well, good luck to him. He will be anonymous in my book, as I see him a reluctant player in the game of perjury, he is not responsible for Melissa's misdiagnosis, neglect or death and because I see him as very professional and have empathy that he is caught up on a system that is only about saving face.

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