Tuesday 23 June 2015

Covered up evidence

- Old beading in the pons - Recent contact subdural left front - Recent contact bruise left front - Old contact bruise left rear - Old subdural at exactly the same spot as the recent one and that a chronic and acute subdural clotting was seen macroscopically and removed at surgery. (A49) Dr K, Crown specialist paediatrician, “Melissa has subdural haemorrhages of two different ages, seen by neurosurgeon at surgery” Despite this Dr K said at trial that the CT result could be old and acute, but could also be CSF leakage or acute/hyper acute bleeding. Hyper acute being ongoing after initial acute has clotted, but from same event. It is the radiologist field of expertise to interpret what he saw not Dr K’s, but the radiologist was not a crown witness and the judge let Dr K say this outside of his area of expertise. Melissa did not have CSF leakage, but this was not brought up at trial. Two haemorrhages of two different ages seen macroscopically by CT and at surgery supports Melissa was a ‘ticking time-bomb’ (quote of OHF social worker) of susceptibility of catastrophic effect if she hit her head again. As that would be a substantial cause of death, Dr K said at trial that Mr B, neurosurgeon said the bleeding was still occurring at operation and he had to stop it. Mr B has only ever documented the opposite and said so at trial. Mr B did not have Dr K’s hearsay put to him at trial. Defence was never given evidence to the contrary, despite it being evidence the Crown would have fully and co-operatively handed over. Dr S, crown forensic neuropathologist found blood of two different age clots with her investigation. - Melissa’s luminal mark hidden by ESR and police, and perjury committed against it by V, ESR scientist. - Evidential printout of luminal mark. - Mr B, neurosurgeon, (11/1/06 operation note and briefs), “no single obvious bleeding point was identified, but the brain and surrounding dura were inclined to bleed”

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