Tuesday 23 June 2015

Morphine overdose

Morphine is administered for pain, it also has another use as an overdose. How much pain was Melissa in, in a coma? Dr K,crown specialist paediatrician told everyone at trial that she was in a deep coma and totally unresponsive, (although the notes say otherwise). So how much pain does a person feel in a deep coma? I know normal sleep has always been a natural painkiller for me, totally blocking it out. So was Melissa a lot more awake then you will admit Dr K? Or was the morphine for the other purpose? If Melissa was a lot more alert and aware then Dr K dared to admit, then she would not die ‘peacefully’ as was said of her passing and suffocating to death. If she was in a deep coma, then why the need for a painkiller? See what I mean by lies get you cornered Dr K? Either way you have dug a hole for yourself. One need only look at the hospitals 'vitals' graph effect immediately after Melissa's IV infusion that dramatically increased after morphine was approved, to see that morphine was indeed given, one minute prior to Melissa passing away "peacefully". As peacefully as one is suffocating to death. (T 65) “Due to the nature of her injuries Melissa was unable to sustain life”. No one can sustain life with a morphine overdose! And it was not severe injury, it was secondary ischaemia due to not being operated on soon enough. Further circumstantial evidence that Melissa was indeed overdosed with morphine is that my blogs on the matter and on how Melissa was selected to die as soon as she got to Starship were deleted from my Topix blog repeatedly, prior to Topix stopping my posting at all. The Crown making them do that confirmed it much stronger in my mind, although with what I have I know it is fact anyway. By documents it appears Dr Tavey Dorofaeff, paediatric registrar, administered a lethal dose of morphine via IV line, or gave it to a staff nurse to administer, under the instruction of Dr Gabrielle Nuthall, intensivist, at approximately 1443 on the 8th of January 2006. Dr Dorofaeef is now a paediatrician in Australia. There was no surer way to prove Drs J, Tauranga hospital specialist paediatrician and K right when they said Melissa would inevitably die and Melissa would not co-operate with that.

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