Monday 29 June 2015

“Facts” against evidence accepted by judge Lynton Stevens to help Drs save face.

The following accepted by “Justice” Stevens, (now promoted to an appeal court judge) as ‘fact’ went against the evidence. He was not aware of a small amount of facts as I instructed my lawyer to bring certain evidence up in court but she refused. I have substantial evidence to prove the following are false. Only a few are listed. 1) That “swelling and soft spots were detected on Melissa’s head” by ambulance staff. Statement one by paramedic W, “I couldn’t detect any swelling or soft spots”. Statement three by paramedic W, “I could not detect any swelling or soft spots”. (Trial, 34) paramedic W: “I couldn’t find any external trauma apart from a minor graze to the cheek”. (Trial 38) paramedic W: “I couldn’t find any external injuries apart from a graze”. (Trial 55) paramedic W: “no visible injuries”, apart from a chest scratch and cheek graze. E the other paramedic had never mentioned there was swelling or soft spots at trial or otherwise. Dr K crown specialist paediatrician, (A48) palpated Melissa’s head as part of his examination said, “no obvious swelling” in the hospital notes, but excluded this from his discharge summary, two police statements and trial. Dr J, Tauranga hospital specialist paediatrician (23/7/07 statement). “There was no scalp swelling”. This was conveniently left out at trial. Although the direct statement that there was no swelling and soft spots on Melissa’s head was conveniently eliminated from trial and my lawyer had refused my instruction to include the paramedics statements, NOR was it said there was. Despite all the evidence that Melissa did not have swelling and soft spots, the crown summary of “facts” said she did. So the judge obviously went by this and chose to ignore all the evidence that said there wasn’t.

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