Tuesday 23 June 2015

Marked to die

The quote below is from a government authority document that was withheld from me twice I asked for it, but given over accidentally in one request. It was written up very shortly after Melissa's surgery, i.e. the morning of the 5th. “Staff nurse looking after Melissa stated that she had surgery and an opening in her skull has been left to release pressure. The hospital is still completing tests on her and the machine that is assisting her will continue to be on until the tests are completed. She may survive up to a few days”. “What do you make of that” as Mr HJ, crown prosecutor would say if he was talking to the jury and discussing the hospital document (T17) that has a comment about a person who must be contacted if Melissa dies. The person who wrote up the note then changed the ‘if’ to “when”. This was two days before life support was turned off and prior to any brain function tests. Even then, they went on to do brain function tests when Melissa was hypothermic, sedated and paralysed by drugs. Like I said because so many sheep don’t face the wolves, they get complacent. It had been decided immediately that Melissa was to die. No tests were done on Melissa’s prognosis or brain injury at this stage, not that the hopeful signs and her showing good brain function were considered later on anyway. The tests referred to were only of the gathering ‘evidence’ type. You see people like to ridicule me for what I say and know. It was obvious to me well before I discovered this document, that Melissa’s fate was to die the moment she was admitted to Tauranga hospital, and I had openly voiced that prior to receiving this document. I am ridiculed because I see it and say it how it is. Of course the authorities don’t want the public to regard anything I have to say. They have to save face and are criminal themselves. I am now thinking that the condoning and closing rank of this is much more extensive then I have given it credit for. Even a staff nurse quite blasé like, says how Melissa will be euthanized as though that is what is expected of all children coming in that Dr K, crown specialist paediatrician has decided is “solely shaken baby” or abuse. There was a lot of concern in Melissa’s notes that she would survive, hence the haste to turn off life support as soon as the ‘evidence’ was gathered. Melissa fought for her life supported temporarily only by a machine. She was destined to die the moment I called an ambulance. When life support was turned off she fought even harder, but at that stage required breathing support. She fought on and on until her parents were put under intense pressure to have to leave by government authorities, and the task had to be over with. At that point morphine was approved for administration. Within one minute after many hours of Melissa being very much alive and fighting, Melissa happened to pass away ‘peacefully’. The notes were very careful to repeatedly say morphine was never administered of course. That in itself is circumstantial evidence it was, hiding guilt. I can tell you having been suffocated by a trustworthy boy in blue and drowning at the age of seven, that it is by no means peaceful to not be able to breathe and fighting for air. And Melissa was already fighting for her life. (But it will never be confirmed Melissa was overdosed with morphine because they refuse to hold a coroners inquest for her and the Health and disability commissioner refuse to investigate it, despite my telling them I have new evidence for it and my having done most of their job for them already). The same authority has written “Melissa gave up her fight for life”. She did not ever give that up. Those she was trusting to help her had written her off immediately because they put it down to extremely violent ‘solely shaken baby’ and diagnosed every tiny innocent mark on her as abuse and refused to acknowledge that a low level fall could cause such a subdural haemorrhage and a few retinal haemorrhages in one eye. Isn’t it ironical! The judge told me I abused my position of trust to keep Melissa safe and protect her. So what do we trust doctors, nurses, judges, coroners, lawyers, and health and disability commissioner to do? I victimized Melissa by pushing her. Drs victimized her by refusing her treatment that would have enabled her full recovery and choosing to let her die. The others refuse to give Melissa and other children justice by closing ranks, protecting the doctors, and enforcing scapegoating of me to continue instead. Hence, condoning their conduct and giving free reign for them to continue as always. It would seem I am to be the only one with freedom of having chosen to stand in the truth, the only one with a conscience. There are so many ironies in this case.

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