Tuesday 23 June 2015

Protected murderers

I do have a lot of people listening to me and believing me especially those with inside knowledge, and I feel their support strongly. However, how is that going to prevent this happening over and over again? Melissa was a gorgeous girl who loved life. No-one fought with her or for her to keep it, but someone ought to do what's right by her now for all the other young children in the future who will be disregarded by Drs out there. I victimised Melissa by pushing her and causing a subdural haemorrhage. A common injury overcome with immediate surgery. Despite what the crown said and the judge ruled as fact, an ambulance was called immediately as soon as I realised the extent of Melissa’s injury. The autopsy and ambulance notes show how immediately they had got there. I did all I could at the hospital trying to get them to treat Melissa. They ignored me and treated me like an absolute piece of crap from the onslaught, but I did all I could. Dr J, Tauranga hospital specialist paediatrician, immediately misdiagnosed solely 'shaken baby' and said Melissa would die before she got to Starship anyway, so they left her laying there untreated. He victimised Melissa by refusing treatment until it was too late for her and by turning down a neurosurgeons offer to do immediate surgery in Tauranga because he wasn’t allowing her transfer. This treatment would have allowed her a full recovery. She needn't have died and would be a normal healthy ten year old loving life now. Dr Gabrielle Nuthall, intensivist at Starship, planned and prepared for Melissa’s death very early on, and flicked off life support when SEPS showed Melissa had improved. Dr Tavey Dorofaeef, paediatric registrar administered a lethal dose of morphine or authorised that to be done by a nurse. Dr K crown specialist paediatrician also immediately diagnosed shaken baby upon Melissa’s arrival at Starship, adding that it was extremely violent shaken baby. He has an obsession for shaken baby and a vengeful un-objective, unprofessional, unscientific mindset. He makes up his own “research”, particularly in relation to shaken baby, and totally disregards the rest of the worlds advanced literature on the subject. He took it upon himself to be the “frontline” worker who would convict at all cost and in so doing prevent a coroners inquest and protect Dr J, Nuthall and Dorofaeff. The doctors deliberately and pre-determinedly hated upon Melissa a heck of a lot more then my one-of impulsive act that I will hold against myself forever more

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