Tuesday 23 June 2015

Dr K’s prognosis of no hope

Dr K,crown specialist paediatrician said in his statement under oath that one of Melissa's pupils was small and responding to light on the 5th of January only and that after that (page 15) that "her pupils remained fixed and dilated"; and yet there is a nursing note on 8/1/06 at 0700 hours, three hours before Melissa was taken off life support that says "left pupil remains dilated and fixed and the right pupil is smaller and reactive". Medical research has shown that outcome is most often favourable if one eye is still reacting to light. He also said under oath that the SEP results showed absent potential on the right side and questionable potential on the left side, but the result of the 6/1/06 states: "A well defined potential is recorded over the left hemisphere with a normal latency for age. The response over the right hemisphere is absent" and on the 7/1/06 states "there remains a clearly defined response over the left hemisphere with normal central conduction time. The response remains absent over the right hemisphere". There are hospital notes dated 6/1/06 by the neurologist, who suggests that the response of the SEP on the 6/1 in regard to the right hemisphere could be because Melissa was cooled at the time. Dr K (T3) said that at Tauranga "it was clear at once that Melissa's prognosis was likely to be very poor, and she was likely to die". This is totally untrue from what I have seen on the internet of subdural haemorrhages, which is all Melissa had. He is making excuses for them taking nine hours to get her into surgery and 11 hours to get the subdural haemorrhage removed that led to a poor prognosis. How does it make you feel to know your lives and your loved ones lives are entrusted into the care of medical experts such as this?

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