Tuesday 23 June 2015

The “justice” system it is not

The New Zealand “justice” system seems to be such an absolute crock of shit. It is much more important to them to have paediatricians who refuse to give treatment to children on the whim of a guess, to the point of letting that child die rather then make a full recovery, save face; then it is to go all out to save a child. So long as they have a scapegoat, they will do as they please willy nilly. The Ombudsman’s reckon it's not their role to investigate corruption when V, ESR scientist perjured that the luminal mark is from a male when it's Melissa’s. Funny how no one will give me any evidence that supports that lie, nor was defence ever given any. The Crown solicitor reckons that when a coroner says he's not holding an inquest, that that means one has been performed and we don't need another. The Health and Disability Commissioner reckon it's not their role to investigate corrupt un-objective, dishonest, unprofessional conduct of doctors. Even the Human Rights Commissioner don’t dare look into murder by doctors. They know how futile it is to make a stand against commonly accepted corruption and oppression. The government never heeds their guidance. They are just a token gesture as are other commissioners. The police won't investigate the perjury of any of the witnesses who perjured. They tell me the judge has to request that. What biased, arrogant judge who let the corrupt paediatrician run the show and have free reign to play expert across all fields, say my victim had injuries she did not, undermine the actual Crown and defence experts, condoned the perjury and then accept his lies as ‘fact’ against the evidence at sentencing to help him save face, is gonna request that? Is he really going to have the self integrity to ensure a just trial and accountability for those who perjure? There is no such thing as justice or truth in the ‘justice’ system, just making the Crown appear 'right'. The justice system is a joke that wore thin with me years ago.

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