Tuesday 23 June 2015

Friends post 5, on Topix

Karen never intended to play 'innocent' or a 'victim' as Melissa’s mum has said. She was in deep shock and stunned when she happened to make up a lie to the police that matched the evidence, as it was all but, what happened. She couldn't believe the effect herself in that state, with what she actually did. Very early on she told people the truth and said she wanted it brought up. She was strongly encouraged by two people who gave no thought as to the effect this would have on Karen’s conscience, not to say anything. Karen is an extremely honest person. To cope with this, she put all her focus on everything the Crown did wrong. They made it very easy for her to do so. This case is definitely totally fabricated to hide the truth, and she should not have been found guilty on their story; but she does not mind that she was found guilty, as she inadvertently and unintentionally made Melissa hit her head and she has borne deep guilt all her life over many things she blamed herself for, but shouldn't have. So she does not care that she was convicted. I guess she still has the psychological issue of getting her mind locked on things though, as she now understands totally how innocent people get sent to prison and that 100% innocent things can be turned around on a dime to appear 100% guilty and criminal. She also knows the government authorities are no better then actual perpetrators with how low they stoop and the corruption they cover up and she is very determined to have the truth exposed.

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